Tuesday, November 13, 2018

FDR and The New Deal

Short biography:
Image result for fdr biography       Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was elected president in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944 as the 32nd president. In his early life, he grew up in Groton, Massachusetts and entered Harvard for college. He fell in love with Eleanor Roosevelt (a distant cousin) and the two were married. At 39, Roosevelt caught polio and lost use of his legs. During his presidency, Franklin Roosevelt was most known for The New Deal.

The New Deal:
Image result for the new deal       Before he was elected, Roosevelt caught the attention and support of many because of his statement that he would help "the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid" in which later he kept the promise by "a new deal for the American people." The New Deal was a set of domestic policies that expanded the federal government's role in helping the Great Depression. It is often described by the 3 R's: Relief for the unemployed, Recovery of the economy, and Reform of capitalism.

The First New Deal:
      Also known as "The First Hundred Days," the First New Deal passed legislation addressing bank crisis, unemployment, and weak industrial performance. Several of the most important were: The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), The Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), The National Recovery Act (NRA), The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The Second New Deal:

       This deal worked to increase worker protection and build strong financial security. The most important were: The Works Progress Administration (WPA), The Wagners Labor Relations Act, The Social Security Act, and The Fair Labor Standards Act.

The New Deal was actually only partially successful in relieving the Great Depression. However, many aspects of the New Deal still exist today, helping our economy stay strong such as regulation of wages, child labor, working hours, collective bargaining, and the social security system.


Anonymous said...

This was a very nice collection of information about FDR and the New Deal, and was also helpful in reviewing for our upcoming exam. I do think that FDR, although only partially successful, was lauded as a great president by the American people for his policies during the Great Depression - he was elected for 4 terms as president.

Anonymous said...

interesting post about FDR and The New Deal. It is well organized . you pointed out important things that we learned in class. i agree that he was one of the most successful president and he made lots of new laws/acts that helped America to progress.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the background information as well as your summary of the New Deal. It was interesting to read about the necessary and unprecedented actions taken by Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

Interesting on how you organized your work I really liked it because you described everything in steps which showed me how he got to where he is now.

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