The Flappers and Vamps were a generation of young women from the West, who completely challenged the idea of how women should act during in 1920s. The word Flapper, was a American Slang word. They rebeled against the image of women during the 1920. By wearing short skirts, having short hair, wearing excessive makeup, drinking and smoking doing things that made them standout. The Vamps were very similar to The Flappers, except the Vamps didn't stop. They had no limit to their actions and were willing go against the idea of women even more. The Flappers were so well kown during the 1920's , there was a film named after them. The American silent comedy film is named The Flappers, and it is based on the wild lifestyle that these women lived everyday. The film starred Olivia Thomas, a sctress and model during the Roaring 20's. The Flapper were a big icon during the Roaring 20's and they were able to help increases movements after World War I.

Interesting, a good illustration of the contrast. Perhaps an analysis of how the difference between rural and urban lifestyles would be beneficial as well.
The flappers were an example of women gaining more equal liberty and rights. What movement did they help increase after World War I?
I think the way that flappers and vamps changed society's perception of women is very unique. Usually, I'd think of activism in the form of protests or passing new legislation. The rebellious attitude of flappers and vamps resembles that of many modern teenagers, but their actions had an incredible impact on women's liberty and rights.
This is very interesting and you give a good description of what the women meant and the things they would wear.
You did a really good job explaining who they were and how different they were than the typical 1920's "women". What did the others think of flappers and who supported then versus who didn't.
Its really fascinating to see the transition from tradition to modern ideal particularly involving to role of women. It's interesting to see the way women's outward appearance
embodied the changing of the times
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