Monday, November 5, 2018

Manfred Van Richthofen

Manfred Van Richthofen, also known as Red Baron, was born on May 2, 1892.  He was a German air force fighter who had amazing huting skills as a young boy. Richthofen grew up in Silesia, now known as Poland. He has two younger brothers, and all three of them grew up hunting boars, birds and deer. He had a large passion for hunting and he had amazing hunting skillswhch later in his life would lead him to many victories in war. We know that Manfred had a great passion for hunting and was willing to fight for his country, because at the age of 11 he entered military school. Once he passed his examination on Christmas in 1915, he managed to hold 80 victories throughout his whole career.
Image result for Manfred von Richthofen


Anonymous said...

It is surprising to see how young he was when he entered military school which displays he was dedicated to helping his country.

Anonymous said...

this is a really good explanation of his life and how he was so dedicated to what he wanted to do. I found it so interesting how he entered military school at the age of 11 because at the age of 11 most people don't know what they want to do yet.

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After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...