Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Red Army

It was an army force and the air force of Russian Krasnaya Armiya, Soviet army created by the Communist government after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

 Around January 1918 the Council of the people's commissars made a workers' and peasants' Red Army on a voluntary basis. In 1921 about 50,000 officers served in the army. The number of communist party increased among the Rank from 19 - 49 percent From 1925 - 1933.  It was left all alone in 1946.


Anonymous said...

it was cool to see that the red army was constantly and gradually increasing in it's strength; however, it's strength really shocked the world after world war II. From being easily taken down by the Nazi's to having an army capable of taking over Berlin in just a year is shocking.

Anonymous said...

Great images and interesting statistics of the growth of the party. It may also be interesting to consider how their power grew to a point where they dominated the Soviet Union.

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