Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Winston Churchill After World War II

Shortly after the Second World War, Winston Churchill's Conservative Party lost the election of 1945. Churchill was replaced by Clement Attlee for the position of prime minister; however, for the next five years, he still served as the Leader of the Opposition. The leader of the opposition is responsible for keeping a balance of power between parties in the British government. Usually, the second largest party's leader gets this role. As the Leader of the Opposition, Churchill furthered his influence in the post-war affairs.  In 1946, he gave his Iron Curtain Speech, inciting increased conflict between the West and Soviets. Churchill spoke against the expansionist Policies of Stalin and the creation of the Eastern Bloc.

During the General Election of 1951, Churchill's party had won the election; thus, this allowed Churchill to become prime minister a second time. For the next four years, Churchill lead Britain; however, as he aged, his health began slowing down. In 1955, Churchill resigned from the Cabinet. On January 24, 1965, Churchill passed away. He was granted an honorable state funeral and buried in his family plot in St Martin's Church, Bladin.
Image result for churchill after world war two


Anonymous said...

Interesting account of Churchill's position of power after being the Prime Minister and his continued involvement in the Cold War.

Anonymous said...

Winston Churchill led the Britain through World War II which earned him a lot of respect. Can you elaborate on what he did during his time as the prime minister the second time?

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