Thursday, April 11, 2019

Osama Bin Laden: early life

Osama Bin Laden was born into a wealthy family in Saudi Arabia. His siblings were educated and went to work for the family business. When he was in college, he became a devout follower of the pan-Islamic belief. He believed that he can wage a holy war to create a single Islamic state. Using his extensive connection, he calls in young men across the Middle East to join the Afghan jihad, the struggle against the enemy of the Islam, to fight back the Soviet invasion in 1979. He created the Al-Qaida  in 1988, but the pro-Western royal family kept him down by removing his passport. More tension fueled when the Saudi government allowed the US to help them in 1990. For this reason, Bin Laden left Saudi Arabia and headed for Sudan to order prepare for his future attacks. Image result for bin laden


Anonymous said...

It's interesting how he was born into a wealth family. His wealth probably gave him more influence and power to recruit more men for his army. Very informative, hope you write a second blog about later in his life. I think that would be very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see the background of such a man. Although this is just a brief summary, it may be beneficial to go more in depth and see what else could have possibly motivated his actions. Good summary.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to know that he came from a very wealthy family because it explains how he was able to coordinate and fund all these massive scale attacks, shows how money buys power.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...