Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pixar (Toy Story)

Image result for toy story 1

    Disney made a $26 million deal with Pixar, a small company at that time headed by Steve Jobs, to create three fully computer-animated, feature-length movies. Disney didn't know how good the movie was going to turn out, they were taking a gamble, and it ended up being a huge success. All of the software engineers had no idea what they were doing, but then again nobody had ever had any experience in this field. Toy Story was a huge hit and changed the industry of animated films forever.

    The software used in the movie was especially good for geometric objects, so the toys and objects in Andy's toy box were a perfect fit. In addition, the flat floor of Andy's room made it easy to render all the characters. The software used for the film was brand new and shaped the path for future animated movies.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very in depth post! It's still kind of shocking that Steve Jobs was involved in the creation of movies.

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