Saturday, April 20, 2019

Princess Diana's Driver was Intoxicated?

It is well-known that Princess Diana died on August 31st, 1997 as a result of serious injuries she sustained in a car crash. A second passenger and the driver were both pronounced dead at the scene, while a fourth person was the sole survivor with serious injuries that did not take his life.

After the public learned that her car had been chased by paparazzi, there was a huge movement condemning them for the degree of unwelcome and uncomfortable intimacy that kept seeking to get from celebrities. The paparazzi were blamed for Princess Diana's death, and people began reevaluating why they took so much interest in the lives of others.

Image result for princess diana death

However, in 1999, a French judicial investigation into the car crash discovered that the crash was caused by the driver, Henri Paul. In addition to being under the effects of prescription drugs, he was also intoxicated. He lost control of the car while driving at dangerously high speeds.

Image result for henri paul

The investigation discovered some other things, too. One of these discoveries was that the paparazzi were not near the Mercedes when it crashed, and another discovery was that the driver had been taunting and provoking the paparazzi outside of a hotel earlier.

After the investigation concluded that it was the driver's fault that the car crash happened, Princess Diana may have not died after everything if she had just worn her seatbelt.


Anonymous said...

Diana's death was a tragedy, and there were a number of factors contributing to it. The damage done by her death made people feel like someone very close to them had been killed. Good research and analysis!

Anonymous said...

good details and pictures! I feel like everyone was very sad and upset about Diana’s death and to hear that the driver was intoxicated was even more upsetting

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