Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Enron Scandal

At its peak Enron boasted over 100 billion dollars in revenue and its price per share was $90.75. However on December 1, 2001 Enron declared bankruptcy and the price per share dropped all the way to $0.26 which affected thousands of employees and Wall Street. The reason why Enron collapsed over night was because the leadership lied to regulators about their earnings. They would hide any financial losses from investors. For example Enron would build an asset and immediately claim the projected profits from the asset when in reality the asset didn't make any money yet. With this tactic Enron appeared to be a no risk investment for investors.
Former CEO of Enron Jeffery Skilling


Anonymous said...

Why did he declare bankruptcy???

Anonymous said...

The lack of transparency coupled with the eagerness of investors led to a devastating loss for both parties

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