Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Linda Brown

A young girl named Linda brown who was about 7 year old who lived in Topeka, Kansas had a tough time getting to school. At first she had to walk a mile to get to the bus stop, but the bus ride took awhile to get to school and she had to do this every morning which she was confused about because there was another good school about 7 blocks from her house but little did she know that the school in Topeka was segregated. The school closest to Linda was a white school but Linda is black, so her father finally had to do something, The court system and civil rights activists started to take care of the segregated schools.


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting and you provided a lot of good information.

Anonymous said...

Although we often disassociate ourselves with the more racist version of America, it's crazy to notice that those times are less than a lifespan behind us.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Franklin, it is important to be cognizant of the racist history that is deeply engrained in the foundation of many institutions in the United States, including the education system. Sadly, it continues to be perpetuated and is visible through the achievement gaps between more affluent and privileged students and those that belong to marginalized groups.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...