Thursday, May 9, 2019

Obamas strategy

Going into the 2008 election, Obama was one of the less of the experienced candidates. People didn't really believe in him because when he would be asked something about his strategy he would answer but would not give any detail. He did this for a while and so no one really knew what his goals or plans were. Obama used the internet a lot in his campaign. He wanted to reach out to the people who normally don't vote, and wanted them to use their voice and vote. He was really big on unity and everyone coming together as one and he has a speech on race about it. Obama picked Biden to be his running mate because Biden had some expirence that Obama didn't have so they could work together and support each other through out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Despite trailing behind early in the primaries, due to his grass roots style of campaigning and his ability to appeal to Middle America and small states, he was able to accumulate a massive support base

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