Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Segregation in American Life

Racial segregation have been known throughout everywhere. Black people were forced to behave in an uncertain matter, they were treated like a lower class and wasn't respected as an equal. Black people around other black people they can act normal but when it comes to talking or interacting with white people, they feel inferior to them and can't do anything about it. Even if people black people tried to make eye contact with white people, they tend to look at the ground or if they accidentally touched/bumped into white people, black people would be charged with "innapropriate behaviors". So black people had to adapt on how they were being treated and moved on with their lives because they could not do anything about it and they just accepted on what happens to them.


Anonymous said...

Obviously this is an issue surrounded by a lot of controversy, but it's important to note also that black communities were not the only minorities segregated or discriminated in America - essentially any minority that wasn't white was treated with some kind of bias, so when talking about Segregation in American Life, these minorities should be mentioned too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam but also Blacks are the goes they were going after the most.

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