Monday, November 5, 2018


George Herman Junior Jr. (also known as Babe Ruth) was an American professional baseball player whose career in Major League Baseball spanned 22 seasons, from 1914 through 1935. He was born on February 6, 1895, in Pigtown, Baltimore. He was the first of eight children, but only he and a sister survived infancy. At 19 years old, the law at the time stated that Ruth had to have a legal guardian sign his baseball contract in order for him to play professionally. Dunn became Ruth’s legal guardian, leading teammates to call Ruth “Dunn’s new bae.” The joke stuck, and Ruth earned his nickname “Babe” Ruth.

Babe Ruth’s legendary power and charismatic personality made him a figure to look up to during the 1920s. During his career, Ruth was the target of the press and public attention for his baseball exploits and off-field penchants for drinking and womanizing. However, his reckless lifestyle was tempered by his willingness to do good by visiting children at hospitals and orphanages.

Babe Ruth holds the record for the most seasons(11) with 40+ home runs in MLB. Babe Ruth was one of only two people to ever hit three home runs in a World Series game. On September 30, 1927, Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run of the 1927 season. He batted in a total of 2,213 runs. He had a record of 94 wins to 46 losses. In 1935, he retired from baseball, having hit a record 714 home runs in his career.

In 1946, he was diagnosed with throat cancer, but doctors could do little. On June 13, 1949, Ruth appeared in his uniform at Yankee Stadium one last time to retire his number. He died on August 16th, 1948 at the age of 53 at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  


Anonymous said...

This was a well-written post about a baseball legend. I didn't know where his nickname came from before reading your post; the story is great! It is also wonderful that Babe Ruth was willing to do good and be a role model for the many Americans that looked up to him at this time.

Anonymous said...

Really interesting post about Geroge Herman junior. It is amazing that he was the one of the two who hit 3 home runs in World series game. This post is well organized and is interesting.

Anonymous said...

This was really well organized and I love your title! I hadn't even thought of his nickname before you brought it up, very interesting! I also like how you stated his accomplishments in baseball; it provided more evidence in how well he played and why many people then and now look up to him.

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting knowing that he was one of the first eighteen children, this showed me that his family was very big. It also helped me to learn that he was one of the persons that people really looked up to.

mikeygains said...
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Anonymous said...

It is very interesting knowing that he was one of the first eighteen children, this showed me that his family was very big. It also helped me to learn that he was one of the persons that people really looked up to.

mikeygains said...

wow babe ruth is my role model. He's made like at least 60 home runs in a whole season than most team can make.

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